Thursday, August 28, 2008

Offset, Trim and Line

1) Open AutoCAD and start a new metric drawing

Click OK

2) Type line at the command line or press

3) Specify first point Enter 0,0

Specify next point Enter @0,150 (the @ simple is a way of giving coordinates or directions relative to the last point or end of line you created)

Specify next point Enter @400,0

Specify next point Enter @0,-150

Enter c (to close the last line to the start of the first line)

4) Type zoom A <E> or click the button

5)Type line at the command line or click the button

Specify first point Enter 195,0

Specify next point @0,50

Specify next point @30,0

Specify next point @0,-50


6) Type line at the command line or click the button

Specify first point 0,140

Specify next point @400,0


7) Type Offset at the command line or click the button on the modify toolbar

Specify offset distance Enter 10

Select object to offset Select the last line you created (The second line from the top)

Specify point on side to offset Click below the line you selected

Select object to offset Select the line you just created

Specify point on side to offset Click below the line you selected

Repeat 11 (eleven) more times until you reach the bottom of the original rectangle

Press Enter When you have completed this

8) Type trim at the command line or click the button

Select cutting edges

Select objects Select the vertical lines shown below

Select object to trim: Select the horizontal lines in between the two vertical lines you selected

9) Type line at the command line

Specify first point 0,150

Specify next point @-35,0

Specify next point @ 75,75


Type mirror at the command line or click the button on the modify toolbar

Select object: Select the two lines you just created

Specify first point of mirror Enter 200,150

Specify second point of mirror Enter 200,0

Delete Source objects Enter n and press enter

10) Type line ate the command line or click the button

Specify first point 40,225

Specify next point @320,0

Specify next point Press enter

11) Type rectangle at the command line or click the button on the draw toolbar

Specify first corner point Enter 65,37.5

Specify other corner point Enter @30,30

12) Type trim at the command line or click the button

Select cutting edges

Select objects Select the rectangle you just created

Press Enter

Select object to trim Select the lines inside of the rectangle

Press Enter

13) Type rectangle at the command line or click the button on the draw toolbar

Specify first corner point Enter 300,37.5

Specify other corner point Enter @30,30

14) Type trim at the command line or click the button

Select cutting edges

Select objects Select the rectangle you just created

Press Enter

Select object to trim Select the lines inside of the rectangle

Press Enter

Your completed drawing should look something like this

Did you get it right? If so good job! If not try it again!

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